Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random Thoughts-Trailer Treats

I've seen a trio of trailers at least twice on my recent excursions to the cinema, all part of the first wave of spring/summer films for this year. I feel like sharing my thoughts about them as they all are geared to wanting you to rush to the theater, but while one works, the other two...well, let's get started.

Sucker Punch

The newest film from Zack Snyder (Watchmen, 300, Dawn of the Dead 2004). I'm gonna come right out and say, that as pretty to look at as this trailer is, it's just NOT doing anything for me! I do not feel excited to see this simply because I can't figure out what the hell is going on! How does what is going on in these scenes (Which are supposed to be the imagination of what's supposed to be a teen/20 something girl...YEAH RIGHT! More like a 12 year old boy!) with the drama of the main character being dragged to a Gothic mental institution for killing her ass of a...(dad?...step-dad?) and trying to bust out for some reason.

I don't get it! Are they doing some weird mind control/Matrix experiment on the girls? Plus the fact it's so damn obvious this is such obvious pandering to the Cat Piss Men and Comic Book Guys in the audience (These ladies look WAY too pretty to be inmates at a loony bin).

Maybe the closer we get to the release, we might get more info as to what's going on. But until then, I can't see me seeing it, unless it gets good reviews.

Transformers III: Dark Of The Moon.

OK, I dig how this trailer played out. It's a nice play on the opposite conspiracy theory about the Moon Landing (Not that we faked the Moon landing, but that we did go the Moon...and found somebody's already there!). However...I'll confess, I did not see Transformers II. Why? Oh, I don't know...the fact that almost every fan on-line and most critics said how horrible it was and pointed out why!* (Most having to do with Bay indulging his bad attempts at humor, obvious pandering, bad sense of night/day around the world, racist stereotypes and a muddled storyline.)
So my only hope to see this will be if Bay's worst impulses have been reigned in, we have a keep it simple, stupid storyline and more focus on what fans came to these movies to see, the Autobots and Decepticons beating and blasting the Energon outta each other!

*Yes, I know it did great box office, but it only shows H.L. Mencken's Law still holds true.
("No one ever lost money under-estimating the intelligence of the average American")

Battle: Los Angeles

Now I am looking forward to this! The film seems to be taking a "Cloverfield" approach to the idea of an alien invasion of Earth. Even though it is from a group of Marines, our "heroes" can only do so much in the face of what the trailer says is a world-wide invasion. I like that unlike most alien invasion films, the aliens fight like a true army. Troops on the ground fighting street to street, air support in the form of fighters, bombers and troop carriers, and if I'm correct about the last scene, battle-mechs! The film is not afraid to show innocent civilians get killed and has a feeling of desperation and hopelessness as it appears that the aliens have the advantage and several cities have already fallen to them.(The newscast in the international trailer says communication with New York and Tokyo has been lost) It's got a great apocalyptic thrill to it and makes me what to see it. Hopefully it won't have a lame "Hollywood" ending.

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