Friday, March 18, 2011

Sorry I haven't been posting to here...

...Real life and the news have kept me busy these past two weeks.

I really want to write something about my feelings about the whole series of disasters that Japan has been suffering through, but no amount of words can do much, especially since I don't have any loved ones or friends in that area of the world and that words are not enough in a situation like this. (Although I have donated to the Red Cross and you should too)

But I do feel for Japan, if only because at least half the pop culture I love, starting back when I was a little three year old, came from there. As I got older, I tried to learn more about the over-all culture of the country and how its pop culture related to and reflected it.

One thing I do know is how the shadow of nuclear destruction has hung over the country ever since the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That shadow has existed in various forms over the decades, from the original Godzilla film, to the destructive psychic blast that opens the Akira animated film. So now, to see this happen for real, albeit in the much slower, but no less deadly form of possible nuclear reactor meltdown instead of the swift and terrible death of a nuclear blast is hard to take.

(As if an earthquake and tsunami wasn't bad enough)

I can only pray that Japan and the world can recover from this, that things, over time will get better, and that it will emerge stronger and better.

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